14th November, 6:30 -7:30pm
Find out how to WORK SMARTER, NOT HARDER for a Slimmer You!
Deciding how to lose weight can be confusing, with so many conflicting theories out there.
Find out the natural-science behind metabolic rebalance for healthy weight and well-being.
Nadia Peach N.D. (Naturopath) will be presenting information on:
- Underlying causes of weight gain & navigation
- Why do some people rebound from weight loss ?
- Understanding nutrition, food and genetics
- Intermittent fasting - Is it good for you?
- Smarter exercising Vs conventional exercising
- Is calorie/kilojoule restriction healthy?
- Metabolism and the naturopathic approach to weight balance
With guest speaker, Tara Green (Certified Health & Life Coach) addressing:
- Mindful Eating
- Polarity of foods
- Shifting focus from Weight to Well-Being
$5 non-refundable ticket per person. It is proven that having a “weight-loss companion” is a significant motivating factor. So see if you can bring a friend along.

Start on your weight-loss journey… the natural way.
For more information, Call 0423 153 017
Book online at: https://barkandberry-naturalweight-lossseminar.eventbrite.com.au
Location: - 24 Childers Street Cranbourne (Cnr Codrington Street – Cranbourne Masonic Lodge Building Opposite Centrelink). Map link: https://goo.gl/maps/U1PZdW6bYG12